User guide


$ pip install mr.bob


Once you install mr.bob, there is mrbob command available:

$ mrbob --help
usage: mrbob [-h] [-O TARGET_DIRECTORY] [-c CONFIG] [-V] [-l] [-r RENDERER]

Filesystem template renderer

positional arguments:
  template              Template to use for rendering

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Where to output rendered structure. Defaults to
                        current directory.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file to specify either [mr.bob] or
                        [variables] sections.
  -V, --version         Display version number
  -l, --list-questions  List all questions needed for the template
  -r RENDERER, --renderer RENDERER
                        Dotted notation to a renderer function. Defaults to

By default target directory is current folder. Most basic use case is rendering a template from a relative folder:

$ mrbob ../template_folder/

Or from a package:

$ mrbob some.package:template_folder/

Or from a zip file:

Or from a relative path in a zip file:

Sample template to try out

$ mrbob mrbob:template_sample/
Welcome to mr.bob interactive mode. Before we generate directory structure, some questions need to be answered.

Answer with a question mark to display help.
Value in square brackets at the end of the questions present default value if there is no answer.

--> How old are you? [24]:

--> What is your name?: Foobar

--> Enter password:

Generated file structure at /current/directory/

Listing all questions needed to have corresponding variable for a template

$ mrbob --list-questions mrbob:template_sample/
author.age.default = 24 = We need your age information to render the template
author.age.question = How old are you? = What is your name? = True
author.password.command_prompt = getpass:getpass
author.password.question = Enter password


Configuration is done with .ini style files. There are two sections for configuration: mr.bob and variables section.

Example of global config file ~/.mrbob or command line parameter mrbob –config foo.ini.

renderer =

[variables] = Domen Kožar =

Configuration inheritance

Configuration can be specified in multiple ways. See flow of mr.bob on front page of documentation to know how options are preferred.

Nesting variables into namespaces called groups

All variables can be specified in namespaces, such as Currently namespaces don’t do anything special besides providing readability.

mr.bob section reference

Parameter Default Explanation
renderer mrbob.rendering:jinja2_renderer Function for rendering templates
verbose False Output more information, useful for debugging

Collection of community managed templates

You are encouraged to use bobtemplates.something Python egg namespace to write templates and contribute them to this list by making a pull request.