Source code for mrbob.hooks

"""Use any of hooks below or write your own. You are welcome to contribute them!"""

import re
import time

from .bobexceptions import ValidationError

[docs]def to_boolean(configurator, question, answer): """ If you want to convert an answer to Python boolean, you can use this function as :ref:`post-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] idiot.question = Are you young? idiot.post_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:to_boolean Following variables can be converted to a boolean: **y, n, yes, no, true, false, 1, 0** """ value = answer.lower() if value in ['y', 'yes', 'true', '1']: return True elif value in ['n', 'no', 'false', '0']: return False else: raise ValidationError('Value must be a boolean (y/n)')
[docs]def to_integer(configurator, question, answer): """ If you want to convert an answer to Python integer, you can use this function as :ref:`post-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] owner.question = What's your age? owner.post_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:to_integer """ try: return int(answer) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('Value must be an integer')
[docs]def to_decimal(configurator, question, answer): """ If you want to convert an answer to Python float, you can use this function as :ref:`post-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] daemon.question = What interval should the daemon poll for data? daemon.post_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:to_decimal """ try: return float(answer) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('Value must be a decimal')
[docs]def validate_choices(configurator, question, answer): """ If you want to validate an answer using a limited set of choices, you can use this function as :ref:`post-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] license.question = What license would you like to use? license.post_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:validate_choices license.choices = MIT|BSD|Apache 2.0|Other license.choices_case_sensitive = yes license.choices_delimiter = | Currently choices are split using whitespace by default. If you wish to have whitespace within each choice, you may specify a custom delimiter which will be used to split the choices. This hook may be set to validate the choices in a case sensitive manner. However, this behaviour is disabled by default. """ delimiter = question.extra.get('choices_delimiter') choices = question.extra.get('choices', '').split(delimiter) # If no choices are defined, then we assume the provided answer is correct if not choices: return answer # Determine case sensitivity case_sensitive_config = question.extra.get('choices_case_sensitive') case_sensitive = False if case_sensitive_config: try: case_sensitive = to_boolean(None, None, case_sensitive_config) except ValidationError: pass if case_sensitive: valid = answer in choices else: valid = answer.lower() in [c.lower() for c in choices] if valid: return answer else: raise ValidationError( 'Value must be ' + ', '.join(choices[:-1]) + ' or ' + choices[-1])
[docs]def validate_regex(configurator, question, answer): """ If you want to validate an answer using a regular expression, you can use this function as :ref:`post-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] project.question = Please specify a name (only lowercase characters)? project.post_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:validate_regex project.regex = ^[a-z]+$ """ regex = question.extra.get('regex') # If no regex is defined, then we assume the provided answer is correct if not regex: return answer if re.match(regex, answer): return answer else: raise ValidationError( 'Value was not of the expected format (%s)' % regex)
[docs]def set_current_datetime(configurator, question): """ If you want to set the default answer of a question to the current date and time, use this function as :ref:`pre-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] project.question = What year was the project started? project.pre_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:set_current_datetime project.datetime_format = %%Y The datetime_format property should be of the standard Python strftime format. It defaults to YYYY-MM-DD if not specified. Please note that you'll have to escape the % character (by using %%) due to the fact it's a special character in INI files. See the following URL for more information: """ datetime_format = question.extra.get('datetime_format', '%Y-%m-%d') question.default = time.strftime(datetime_format)
[docs]def validate_datetime(configurator, question, answer): """ If you want to validate a date using a chosen date format, you can use this function as :ref:`post-question-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [questions] project.question = What year was the project started? project.post_ask_question = mrbob.hooks:validate_datetime project.datetime_format = %%Y The datetime_format property should be of the standard Python strftime format. It defaults to YYYY-MM-DD if not specified. Please note that you'll have to escape the % character (by using %%) due to the fact it's a special character in INI files. See the following URL for more information: """ datetime_format = question.extra.get('datetime_format', '%Y-%m-%d') try: time.strptime(answer, datetime_format) return answer except ValueError: raise ValidationError( 'Value was not a date in the format ' + datetime_format)
[docs]def show_message(configurator): """ If you want to display a message to the user when rendering is complete, you can use this function as :ref:`post-render-hook`: .. code-block:: ini [template] post_render = mrbob.hooks:show_message message = Well done, %(, your code is ready! As shown above, you can use standard Python formatting in ``post_render_msg``. """ message = configurator.templateconfig.get('message', '') if not configurator.quiet and message: print(message % configurator.variables)