Source code for mrbob.rendering

from os import path
from shutil import copy2
import codecs
import os
import re
import six
import stat

from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined

jinja2_env = Environment(

jinja2_renderer = lambda s, v: jinja2_env.from_string(s).render(parse_variables(v))
python_formatting_renderer = lambda s, v: s % v

def parse_variables(variables):
    d = dict()

    for key, value in variables.items():
        keys = key.split('.')
        new_d = None
        for k in keys[:-1]:
            if new_d is None:
                if k not in d:
                    d[k] = dict()
                new_d = d[k]
                if k not in new_d:
                    new_d[k] = dict()
                new_d = new_d[k]
        if new_d is None:
            d[keys[-1]] = value
            new_d[keys[-1]] = value
    return dict(d)

[docs]def render_structure(fs_source_root, fs_target_root, variables, verbose, renderer): """Recursively copies the given filesystem path `fs_source_root_ to a target directory `fs_target_root`. Any files ending in `.bob` are rendered as templates using the given renderer using the variables dictionary, thereby losing the `.bob` suffix. strings wrapped in `+` signs in file- or directory names will be replaced with values from the variables, i.e. a file named `` given a dictionary {'name': 'bar'} would be rendered as ``. """ if not isinstance(fs_source_root, six.text_type): # pragma: no cover fs_source_root = six.u(fs_source_root) for fs_source_dir, local_directories, local_files in os.walk(fs_source_root): fs_target_dir = path.abspath(path.join(fs_target_root, path.relpath(fs_source_dir, fs_source_root))) for local_file in local_files: if local_file == '.mrbob.ini': continue render_template( path.join(fs_source_dir, local_file), render_filename(fs_target_dir, variables), variables, verbose, renderer, ) for local_directory in local_directories: abs_dir = render_filename(path.join(fs_target_dir, local_directory), variables) if not path.exists(abs_dir): if verbose: print(six.u("mkdir %s") % abs_dir) os.mkdir(abs_dir)
def render_template(fs_source, fs_target_dir, variables, verbose, renderer): filename = path.split(fs_source)[1] if filename.endswith('.bob'): filename = filename.split('.bob')[0] fs_target_path = path.join(fs_target_dir, render_filename(filename, variables)) if verbose: print(six.u("Rendering %s to %s") % (fs_source, fs_target_path)) fs_source_mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(fs_source).st_mode) with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: source_output = output = renderer(source_output, variables) # append newline due to jinja2 bug, see if source_output.endswith('\n') and not output.endswith('\n'): output += '\n' with, 'w', 'utf-8') as fs_target: fs_target.write(output) os.chmod(fs_target_path, fs_source_mode) else: fs_target_path = path.join(fs_target_dir, render_filename(filename, variables)) if verbose: print(six.u("Copying %s to %s") % (fs_source, fs_target_path)) copy2(fs_source, fs_target_path) return path.join(fs_target_dir, filename) variables_regex = re.compile("\+[^+" + os.sep + "]+\+") def render_filename(filename, variables): replaceables = variables_regex.findall(filename) for replaceable in replaceables: actual_replaceable = replaceable.replace('+', '') if actual_replaceable in variables: filename = filename.replace(replaceable, variables[actual_replaceable]) else: raise KeyError('%s key part of filename %s was not found in variables %s' % (actual_replaceable, filename, variables)) return filename

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