Source code for mrbob.configurator


import os
import re
import sys
import readline
try:  # pragma: no cover
    from urllib import urlretrieve  # NOQA
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # PY3K
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve  # NOQA
import tempfile
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile
readline  # make pyflakes happy, readline makes interactive mode keep history

import six
from importlib import import_module

from .rendering import render_structure
from .parsing import (
from .exceptions import (

DOTTED_REGEX = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_.]+:[a-zA-Z_.]+$')

def resolve_dotted_path(name):
    module_name, dir_name = name.rsplit(':', 1)
    module = import_module(module_name)
    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(module.__file__), dir_name)

def resolve_dotted_func(name):
    module_name, func_name = name.split(':')
    module = import_module(module_name)
    func = getattr(module, func_name, None)
    if func:
        return func
        raise ConfigurationError("There is no object named %s in module %s" % (func_name, module_name))

def maybe_resolve_dotted_func(name):
    if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and DOTTED_REGEX.match(name):
        return resolve_dotted_func(name)
        return name

def maybe_bool(value):
    if value == "True":
        return True
    if value == "False":
        return False
        return value

[docs]def parse_template(template_name): """Resolve template name into absolute path to the template and boolean if absolute path is temporary directory. """ if template_name.startswith('http'): if '#' in template_name: url, subpath = template_name.rsplit('#', 1) else: url = template_name subpath = '' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile: urlretrieve(url, if not is_zipfile( raise ConfigurationError("Not a zip file: %s" % tmpfile) zf = ZipFile(tmpfile) try: path = tempfile.mkdtemp() zf.extractall(path) return os.path.join(path, subpath), True finally: zf.close() if ':' in template_name: path = resolve_dotted_path(template_name) else: path = os.path.realpath(template_name) if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ConfigurationError('Template directory does not exist: %s' % path) return path, False
[docs]class Configurator(object): """Controller that figures out settings, asks questions and renders the directory structure. :param template: Template name :param target_directory: Filesystem path to a output directory :param bobconfig: Configuration for mr.bob behaviour :param variables: Given variables to questions :param defaults: Overriden defaults of the questions Additional to above settings, `Configurator` exposes following attributes: - :attr:`template_dir` is root directory of the template - :attr:`is_tempdir` if template directory is temporary (when using zipfile) - :attr:`templateconfig` dictionary parsed from `template` section - :attr:`questions` ordered list of `Question instances to be asked - :attr:`bobconfig` dictionary parsed from `mrbob` section of the config """ def __init__(self, template, target_directory, bobconfig=None, variables=None, defaults=None): if not bobconfig: bobconfig = {} if not variables: variables = {} if not defaults: defaults = {} self.variables = variables self.defaults = defaults self.target_directory = os.path.realpath(target_directory) # figure out template directory self.template_dir, self.is_tempdir = parse_template(template) # check if user is trying to specify output dir into template dir if self.template_dir in os.path.commonprefix([self.target_directory, self.template_dir]): raise ConfigurationError('You can not use target directory inside the template') if not os.path.isdir(self.target_directory): os.makedirs(self.target_directory) # parse template configuration file template_config = os.path.join(self.template_dir, '.mrbob.ini') if not os.path.exists(template_config): raise TemplateConfigurationError('Config not found: %s' % template_config) self.config = parse_config(template_config) # parse questions from template configuration file self.raw_questions = self.config['questions'] if self.raw_questions: self.questions = self.parse_questions(self.raw_questions, self.config['questions_order']) else: self.questions = [] # parse bobconfig settings # TODO: move config resolution inside this function from self.bobconfig = update_config(bobconfig, self.config['mr.bob']) self.verbose = maybe_bool(self.bobconfig.get('verbose', False)) self.quiet = maybe_bool(self.bobconfig.get('quiet', False)) self.remember_answers = maybe_bool(self.bobconfig.get('remember_answers', False)) # parse template settings self.templateconfig = self.config['template'] self.post_render = [resolve_dotted_func(f) for f in self.templateconfig.get('post_render', '').split()] self.pre_render = [resolve_dotted_func(f) for f in self.templateconfig.get('pre_render', '').split()] self.renderer = resolve_dotted_func( self.templateconfig.get('renderer', 'mrbob.rendering:jinja2_renderer'))
[docs] def render(self): """Render file structure given instance configuration. Basically calls :func:`mrbob.rendering.render_structure`. """ if self.pre_render: for f in self.pre_render: f(self) render_structure(self.template_dir, self.target_directory, self.variables, self.verbose, self.renderer) if self.remember_answers: write_config(os.path.join(self.target_directory, '.mrbob.ini'), 'variables', self.variables) if self.post_render: for f in self.post_render: f(self)
def parse_questions(self, config, order): q = [] for question_key in order: key_parts = question_key.split('.') c = dict(config) for k in key_parts: c = c[k] # filter out subnamespaces c = dict([(k, v) for k, v in c.items() if not isinstance(v, dict)]) question = Question(name=question_key, **c) q.append(question) return q def print_questions(self): # pragma: no cover for line in pretty_format_config(self.raw_questions): print(line) # TODO: filter out lines without questions # TODO: seperate questions with a newline # TODO: keep order
[docs] def ask_questions(self): """Loops through questions and asks for input if variable is not yet set. """ # TODO: if users want to manipulate questions order, this is curently not possible. for question in self.questions: if not in self.variables: self.variables[] = question.ask(self)
[docs]class Question(object): """Question configuration. Parameters are used to configure questioning and possible validation of the answer. :param name: Unique, namespaced name of the question :param question: Question to be asked :param default: Default value of the question :param required: Is question required? :type required: bool :param command_prompt: Function to executed to ask the question given question text :param help: Optional help message :param pre_ask_question: Space limited functions in dotted notation to ask before the question is asked :param post_ask_question: Space limited functions in dotted notation to ask aster the question is asked :param **extra: Any extra parameters stored for possible extending of `Question` functionality Any of above parameters can be accessed as an attribute of `Question` instance. """ def __init__(self, name, question, default=None, required=False, command_prompt=six.moves.input, pre_ask_question='', post_ask_question='', help="", **extra): = name self.question = question self.default = default self.required = maybe_bool(required) self.command_prompt = maybe_resolve_dotted_func(command_prompt) = help self.pre_ask_question = [resolve_dotted_func(f) for f in pre_ask_question.split()] self.post_ask_question = [resolve_dotted_func(f) for f in post_ask_question.split()] self.extra = extra def __repr__(self): return six.u("<Question name=%(name)s question='%(question)s'" " default=%(default)s required=%(required)s>") % self.__dict__
[docs] def ask(self, configurator): """Eventually, ask the question. :param configurator: :class:`mrbob.configurator.Configurator` instance """ correct_answer = None self.default = configurator.defaults.get(, self.default) non_interactive = maybe_bool(configurator.bobconfig.get('non_interactive', False)) if non_interactive: self.command_prompt = lambda x: '' try: while correct_answer is None: # hook: pre ask question for f in self.pre_ask_question: try: f(configurator, self) except SkipQuestion: return # prepare question if self.default: question = six.u("--> %s [%s]: ") % (self.question, self.default) else: question = six.u("--> %s: ") % self.question # ask question if six.PY3: # pragma: no cover answer = self.command_prompt(question).strip() else: # pragma: no cover answer = self.command_prompt(question.encode('utf-8')).strip().decode('utf-8') # display additional help if answer == "?": if print( else: print("There is no additional help text.") continue if answer: correct_answer = answer # if we don't have an answer, take default elif self.default is not None: correct_answer = maybe_bool(self.default) # if we don't have an answer or default value and is required, reask elif self.required and not correct_answer: if non_interactive: raise ConfigurationError('non-interactive mode: question %s is required but not answered.' % else: # TODO: we don't cover this as coverage seems to ignore it continue # pragma: no cover else: correct_answer = answer # hook: post ask question + validation for f in self.post_ask_question: try: correct_answer = f(configurator, self, correct_answer) except ValidationError as e: if non_interactive: raise ConfigurationError('non-interactive mode: question %s failed validation.' % else: correct_answer = None print("ERROR: " + str(e)) continue except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover print('\nExiting...') sys.exit(0) print('') return correct_answer

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